Hello there! Just a quick post, will be soon posting about this classic machines, and film photography. Until then… sayonara… Now time to go horizontal. Cesar Out!
Hello there! Just a quick post, will be soon posting about this classic machines, and film photography. Until then… sayonara… Now time to go horizontal. Cesar Out!
Hello, and Happy Friday! Another Master piece, the Olympus 35RC, have a Canon Canonet like this one, need some work, will do and post photos later, enjoy! One of the smallest 35mm automatic/manual rangefinders $100 with f2.8 lens in 1970 ($562 in 2010 dollars) To quote the Olympus corporate history site: “Known as ‘Richard,’ the …
Hey there! I guess you remember the post when I talked about loosing my photos in a very interesting photoshoot, right? (check here the post) well, I have to tell you, right now happiness prevail, a happy end for the sad story! Result that I call Lexar Professional Services for support with my card, the …
Hello There! ..when nature calls, you answer, I have to say, what a wonderful weekend, Memorial Weekend. I spent the whole long weekend over Fisheating Creek Outpost, near to Okeechobee and Palmdale, a very good company from Miami, Juan Carlos Aguero (check his blog here), and Roberto Puertas ((FB Profile Here), now let me show …
Hello folks, Yesterday, hummm, what a day, a lot about this Supermoon, of course I don’t want to be alone at home watching Nat Geo Channel, so grabbed my gear and head out for photography. the Location, just a place close to home, over the neighbor city of St. Petersburg, when arriving to the place, …
Here are a few tips that will help you next time you want to photograph this fun ball of cheese: Even if you missed the “super” close moon, these tips will help you with any photography in the sky, especially at night. Use a tripod. For all those who said you should use a tripod, …
Hello there; Today wanna share with you a classic, and one of my all time favorite, the Nikkormat FT 1965, here some facts: Nikon SLR for the masses $270 with f2 lens in 1965 ($1869 in 2010 dollars) The 1965 Nikkormat FT was Nikon’s second attempt at a less-expensive body that could take F lenses; …
Read more “Classic Cameras Friday! Nikon Nikkormat FT – 1965”
Hello there, One paragraph post!, just reminding myself I have to get back to St Pete for some photos! Cesar Out! Note: Photo taken with Nikon D300 using Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 on Lexar Pro UDMA Digital Film
Hello there; This past saturday, Euro Cycles of Tampa Bay unveiled another Italian Superbike, the Ducati Panigale 1199 S, great machine, named after the Panigale town near Bologna, they call it Motor Town. Got over the Dali Museum before the event start, got a chance to take a bunch of photos before they cover the …
Read more “… at the Dali Museum for Art and Italian Superbikes”
Hello guys; Last week my office went to play golf, the 4th Annual Golf Tournament, great event for a great cause, went shooting after a surgery, feeling o’right, had the time to snap good photos. This is a small selection: Love shooting golf, amazing swings, and the green, can’t forget the green. For more information …
Happy Sunday folks; This is a quick comeback after many light-years of traveling to this marvelous universe (work is whipping my back, the true story behind my absence) and guest what?… when I thought everything gonna be back to normal…. a crash in the intergalactic engines… Yeah… about three weeks ago when for photos with …
Hello friends; Being a little busy and away from writing, today want to share some photos from a beautiful city over Cuba called Manzanillo, this city is located over the east zone and has a nice Caribbean Sea view. Never been there before we spend a good day over together with my brother and sister …
Buenas Noches; A week ago I went to Hardrock Cycle Parck over Ocala, FL, Florida Trial Association had an event over and decide to covered it, together with Steve Loveridge spent a great day of competition. Took my cousin with me, he never saw before this king of competition, so we had a great drive …