Exploring St. Augustine’s Oldest House: A Journey Through Time!

Hello Friends, Nestled in the heart of St. Augustine, Florida, lies a treasure trove of history: the Oldest House Museum Complex, also known as the González-Alvarez House. Designated a National Historic Landmark, this site offers a fascinating glimpse into over 300 years of life in the oldest continuously occupied European-established settlement in the continental United …

St Augustine for the Night of Lights

Hey there friends! Memories from a weekend over the oldest city in the great United States of America, family took mother-in-law for a birthday weekend and to explore the Night of Lights, i did forget my tripod, so no night photos, I can say I won’t miss it next year, Thanks for stopping by, hope …

Ocala Expedition – FJ Cruisers Florida

Hello there;   During the weekend of Nov 21-23, 2014 the Ocala Expedition, an event from FJC Florida group was a Go!. Campgrounds at Holden Mine (Citrus WMA) and Delancy East (Ocala National Forest) were HQ for this short weekend trek, below a short video and a photo gallery…   Share and Enjoy!   Kubano …

Overland Expo East 2014 At Taylor Ranch, NC

Hello there! October is a cool month, started with a long drive to North Carolina… to be exact to Fletcher, a few miles south of Asheville for the Overland Expo, what a beautiful country, have to say, being a flat lander, a few feet over sea level makes me feel great. The venue (Taylor Ranch) …

La Gran Piedra… High in altitude and stunning views

Nice Sunday afternoon! I am so happy I have so much media to share from my last trip to Cuba, I can say until now the best trip to Paradise Lost until now, exploring the east part this time, in special the City of Santiago de Cuba, nothing crazy cause I was with friends, nice …

Santuario del Cobre, Under Construction.

Hello and Happy weekend! In my last visit to Paradise Lost, went into a east trip to Santiago De Cuba, a very hot part (I mean hot weather, hotter than the normal parts of the island), really wanna spend some good time with friend and girlfriend. Before getting to the city I decide to stop …

Old Locomotive, American Made… on display

Hello there! Is a day off for me today, Christmas is around the corner and because of that. Merry Christmas to all of you, hope your Christmas wishes are underneath the tree, your camera gear wish list had been listen but somebody and Sunday morning when you open your boxes you can find there your …

San Pedro De La Roca ~ Morro de Santiago de Cuba

Hello there friends; What can I say about this superb place I did visit in my trip to Cuba, San Pedro de la Roca, el Morro de Santiago de Cuba, ( read Wikipedia entry here ), again, in my 32 years living in Cuba, never had the chance to visit this place, located over Santiago …

Enter to the Prehistoric Valley…

Hello folks; If like dinosaurs, you gonna love this BIG gallery, the Prehistoric Valley (Valle de la Preshistoria in spanish) is a place over Santiago de Cuba, built many years ago, never had the time to visit when living over there, so this time spent a good quality time checking all the places inside the …