Hello, there!
This is a kind of techy post, really don’t like to much to do this, but always you are in the middle of a technicality, we are talking about vantage points, for many years millions of photographs are taken from the same vantage point, about 6 to 8 feet above ground, this is the regular height of a human body, varying your vantage point is very easy and effective to your photography, if you have the tools necessary for this you will have great results, even if you don’t, you can improvise, trust me it will work.
These photos were taken from a corner of San Pedro de La Roca Castle, a very good way to show with another point of view the surrounding areas, for example this view of the rocky coast over there:
Changing your vantage point can be as simple as standing on top of something, or crouching down. Or it can involve using more elaborate methods to get you or your camera into a higher or lower position, such as shooting from the top of a ten story building, holding your camera very close to the ground or your subject, or mouning your camera on top of a ten foot pole and using a self timer. The possibilities are endless, and only limited by your imagination.
Well no more technicalities this isn’t the site for that, hope you have a great day!
Here is the complete Gallery, enjoy:
Cesar Out!
Note: Photos taken with Nikon D700 using Tamron and Sigma Lenses on Lexar UDMA Professional Digital Film