Laguna Baconao…a reached goal!

Hello there! I am enjoying this post already, for many years I wanted to visit this place in Cuba, is Called Parque Nacional Baconao (Baconao National Park) Baconao is an indian name, the history says he was a little indian, who lived over this area, when the conquistador came to the new world. (Read the …

Everglades Nat’l Park Project. Phase 2, Liguus Fasciatus

Hello there; Just when we were leaving the Little Lake, we stopped by this place, a short trail with a few Liguus Fasciatus, we dedicated a few minutes to capture a few shots,  the snails were around, but not the way we wanted, a few only to be honest, so here are the results: By …

Everglades Nat’l Park Project. Phase 1, The Lake

Hello There! Happy Independence Day!, is Monday 4th of July and just got back from a superb hot and sweaty weekend. Everglades National Park Project with a nature photographer friend Juan Carlos. We left the headquarter about 4:30AM, fuel the FJ and head to Everglades Nat’l Park. nice morning, temperature was nice, NO RAIN!, after …

My 10 Points Check List for Travel Photos!

Hey there, I have to say that Travel Photography is ONE of my favorite way to express my photographic needs, is so rich in so many aspects that you just can’t stop shooting when traveling. In order for me to tell the history, yes you have to tell the history behind your trip!, I putted …

Superbikes in the Smokies, Day 1

Hello back! Been a little bit out of context with my blog, last week I went to Georgia, especially Helen, to spend some quality time riding motorcycles and doing some photography. We left last Wednesday early in the morning, traveling to Helen wasn’t a problem, we created a convoy of 6 cars all loaded with …